It's time to banish fear
Fear originally was a very good thing.
There’s a mountain falling down. Run!
There’s a saber-tooth tiger coming your way. Run faster than the guy next to you!
Unfortunately, over the centuries and millennia, fear has
become something else.
Fear is a tool. It’s a tool of control. The easiest way for
someone to control you is to get you to fear something and tell you that they
are the only one who can save you from it.
Politicians use it. “If you vote for X, the world will be
destroyed. You’d best vote for me because I can protect your interests.” Usually
combined with a smarmy smile.
Religious leaders use it. “If you don’t follow our rules and
pay us tithing, you’re going to hell. If you don’t obey our god, our way, you’re
going to hell.”
Corporations, advertising companies, and doctors use it. “Use
our product or nobody will ever want anything to do with you. Follow us on
Facebook because only ‘we’ tell the truth. Use our product or you’ll die.”
Fear has become the most powerful tool to use people for
your own purposes. It’s why it’s grade A in the bully’s handbook.
It’s also the biggest way to draw to yourself exactly what
you fear. The more you fear something, the more likely it is to come to pass. I
personally think that’s why we have the current regime we have. Too many people
feared it.
It’s time to squash the fear. It’s time to deny the fear. It’s
time, Friends, to stop letting fear control lives. If someone else cannot
control you, YOU ARE FREE.
Did you get that? If someone cannot control you, YOU ARE
FREE. Of course, there’s also the caveat that you should not be trying to
control anyone else either – that makes you one of ‘them’.
Each of us is the only one who can guide our own life. We
are the captain of our particular ship. By giving into fear, we allow someone
else to run our life, make our own choices, steer us where they want us to be.
Whether you believe the Bible to be the word of an
all-knowing god or that it’s just a bunch of lessons that help us figure out
how to make the right life for ourselves, look at a small section of the story
of Moses. After he went up the mount, he came down to find his people having a
grand old party, creating the kind of god they understood--A hateful god, a
vengeful god, a controlling, fear-mongering god. He tried to get them to listen
to the truth, but they didn’t want the truth – that we are our own god, that we
are the reason things happen. We control our destiny. Instead, they wanted
someone else to control it, someone else to blame.
In the religion I grew up in, there was the strong belief
that there were 2 plans – the plan from Jesus Christ where we would have
freedom to make our own choices, and the plan from Lucifer, where we would be
forced to follow others’ plans.
I ask you – look at the world. The religions and political
leaders are forcing people to follow their plans and their largest weapon is
FEAR. They’re following the supposed Lucifer’s plan, whether they know it or
Now some will parry that we must have society, that without
society and rules and laws, that a lawless state of death and destruction would
If all people were focused on their lives and their futures
and happiness and gratitude and all things good, there would be nothing to
Fear is truly the only thing we should fear. Because it’s
the fastest way to negative energy.
Cast it off, friends. Toss it aside. Fear harms you. It
harms your family, your neighbors, your city, state, country… it harms the
If you don’t fear, there’s a whole world of hope and love
and gratitude and joy and every good thing.
What’s the opposite of fear? Love. If you feel fear, think
of something you’re grateful for. Once you’ve tempered the fear, push out love.
Most likely those who can’t control you will go elsewhere once they’ve realized
you aren’t worth their time and resources.
Yes, there are places real fear fits – such as falling off a
cliff. When your inner voice says “Step back so you don’t fall” Listen to it.
However, if someone tells you that you have to do things their way or you’ll
fall? Think twice, back up, and think gratitude. Not for them, but for something
you’re truly grateful for. Then turn and walk away. You don’t want to hang
around people who want to control you, anyway.
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