Psychic Attack is real--and not fun--but you can protect against it
What is a Psychic Attack? If a person is empathic in any way or has psychic abilities, you will feel the emotions, both positive and negative, from people. That is NOT psychic attack. It is you pulling in the energy around you. You can protect yourself from external energies and learn to recognize them. But again, it is NOT a psychic attack. A psychic attack is not just feeling negative energy. It is having negative energy sent AT us by someone else. It's a purposeful attack, even if the person didn't mean do it on purpose . A 'on purpose' psychic attack would be someone who purposefully deals with dark energy, dark spell casting, etc. They produce a psychic spell to attack you. Again - very 'on purpose'. "Off purpose" psychic attacks are from people who might be jealous of you or hold a grudge against you for some reason. They may mentally send you hateful thoughts, but they most likely do not have any idea that those hateful thoughts are a ps...