Resolving past blocks simply and easily

I know what you're thinking. It sounds too easy right? How can one resolve past blocks simply and easily?

Well, first let's discuss what past blocks are. The body is energy and when it flows freely we are at one with the universe and we receive when we ask. We aren't bogged down in negative emotion or physical issues. However, when something occurs that puts a block in a part of our energy, we begin to have issues. They may pop up instantly (like a sudden lack of cash flow), or they may take years to develop (such as in the case of a dis-ease like cancer). The thing is to get rid of that energy block so that the natural energy of the universe can flow freely again.

Over our life time(s), we have garnered many such energy blocks. They can come from anything. A person saying something rude about it. Getting angry at someone. And let's be clear: We are the creators of our own reality. (Though that does not mean another might not affect us - more on that in a later post.) So if we are faced with an unhealthy or unwelcome occurrence or person, we attracted it.

(And those blocks can continue from lifetime to lifetime - so you could be carrying who knows how many lifetimes worth of blocks.)

Which is why Neville Goddard says that at the end of the day, we should look over our day and redo any parts which upset us. Because yes, you can affect the past. And it will show in your present and your future. He says to meditate and take each occurrence and remake it in the way you would prefer it had occurred. That same thing can be done for past memories.

And don't get me wrong - that works. And it works well. As does EFT. But I've refound another technique that works so well and so quickly... you don't have to wait until the end of the day to change the experience and get rid of the block.

When I say I refound it. Let me state that I have known of Ho’oponopono for years. But I never truly plunged its depths as I'm doing now. I used to think "Okay, so there's a person driving me nutty. If I use Ho’oponopono on them, then that will change them." That was before I understood how much I created my reality and how much I could affect it. Because I've now realized that Ho’oponopono is not just about helping others. It's about changing our energy blocks.

For instance. Let's say you mess up. You get angry and curse someone out at ten am. After the anger has left, you know you need to rid yourself of that experience as you don't want it blocking your energy and getting a 'karma backlash', but if you use EFT, you have to put yourself in touch with that emotion and tap it away. Which, if you aren't surrounded by everyone is fine. You can do that. Or, you could wait until that night to meditate and change it. But what if A: you are surrounded by people or B: you really don't want to wait until nightfall because you might forget or you just don't want that negativity following you all day?

You don't have to. Ho’oponopono is the process of forgiveness and love. So, taking our example, you imagine that person you yelled at's face as you yelled at them (or what they said to make you explode) and in your mind you say the following four phrases.

I'm sorry

Please forgive me

Thank you

I love you

(Laughter Online University has a great little information page on why those phrases if you want to know more.)

Now, while the creator of Ho’oponopono may say they need to be done in order, I've found that isn't necessary. The process is to go through the phrases, feeling it. Feel how sorry you are for having reacted and yelled. Say Please Forgive me, but it doesn't matter to whom - the person you yelled at, the universe, the all that is'ness, or to yourself. Then Thank you to express your thanks that you've been forgiven. And then I love you, because there is never a time when that phrase isn't needed. And seriously - love yourself more. Love everyone more. For in love, there is peace.

I've even added a phrase. So I say, in my mind when something comes up "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I forgive me. Thank you. I love you." Because I think forgiving one's self is an important act as well.

Now, that's great when its something you've just done today. But what about something from years ago that has bugged you and it still bothers you? Can Ho’oponopono help? Yes it can.

Example: I am not a fan of dentists. And I've got a huge history to back me up on this. But one memory has kept me in a hateful space about them. I went to a dentist for a root canal. I told him I was highly sensitive and he should block the jaw so I wouldn't feel anything. He ignored me and said that a shot would be better. 7 extremely painful shots in that tooth later where I screamed and cried, it was finally numb. That much medication gave me lock jaw for a couple weeks.

So after a rather miraculous change through Ho’oponopono two nights ago for another past block, I used it on that memory today. Instantly, my negative feelings for it lifted. The memory came back an hour later, though not as strong, and I Ho’oponopono'd it away. That blockage has been with me since 1996. Twenty years it's been with me.

Now that the negativity has lifted, I feel so much better. And know something will change for the better.

So want to get rid of that block? Try Ho’oponopono. It's instant. And getting rid of that energy block is a wonderous thing. And so simple. If the blockage is old, it may take a couple times to rid yourself of it. But once you have? It's gone. For good.


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