Learning the language of the universe

Have you ever wondered just how the universe communicates? Sure, sometimes we'll receive information in whatever language we speak, but 99.99 times out of 100, the universe communicates with us through symbols.

Which makes sense if you think about it. The language we speak is particular to this planet and whatever family/country we were born into. The universe doesn't communicate like that. It's an entirely different form of language. It was one we knew before we came here and one we will once again understand when we move on from Earth, but for now - we have to relearn it.

NEW Language arts in our world are mostly words, phrases, and in a few cases symbols. But the universe almost exclusively communicates in symbols, pictures, and coincidences. So how do we hear what it's trying to say?

Well, first off, realize the universe is doing all it can to try and teach you its language. I mean it bends over backwards. The problem is, usually we aren't looking in the right place. Or we're hooked on 'one way' and the universe has moved on to another because it needs us to listen rather than presuppose.

So, in what ways might the universe communicate with us? Dreams. Images. Recurrances. Insects. Animals. Colors. Numbers. Visual symbols like tarot cards. And that's a millionth of a millionth of the ways it works.

The fact is, the universe, once it finds a way to communicate with you about a certain thing, will do so readily once it knows you got it.

For instance - me and spiders. It took awhile but I realized at one point that seeing a spider coincided directly with my emotions/feelings going in a wrong direction and this was the universe's way of yelling "Get off that road, now!" Once I realized that, I was able to instantly switch my thoughts and feelings.

For awhile, it spoke to me through Angel Cards, until I relied upon them too much (as in I relied on the signs rather than myself and the universe) and then it stopped communicating to me through them.

Numerology - this is a huge one. But you need to find a numerology book that works for you. For me, I use Angel Numbers which lists the meanings for numbers 0-1000. It resonates with me and has been very helpful.

The thing about symbols is they are going to mean different things to different people. So if you see something popping up several times, research its meanings. And look for the one that RESONATES with you. You'll know it the instant you see it. And sometimes you have to keep searching (I'm still trying to figure out why Treble clef notes keep popping up in my sink.)

Now, a caveat for these symbols. They are nothing but the way the universe is trying to communicate with you WHEN it needs to. However, sometimes we rely on those communication symbols too much and focus on them rather than what we're going for. Symbols are just another form of language. We need to communicate with the universe and know it will respond. And yet not look for responses when they are not needed. Sometimes we keep looking for reassurances when in fact, that is not what we should be doing.

For we are not seeking a sign. We are seeking the end result. Do not rely on the symbols as a way to get through. You have to rely on the belief and knowledge that your dreams have come to pass. They are already here. Otherwise you run the risk of seeking signs and thus they show up but the dream never does because you are seeking the wrong thing.

However, keeping that in mind, enjoy this path in learning the ways in which the universe communicates with you.

Do certain insects or animals keep popping up?

Do certain numbers keep cropping up?

When you do a tarot reading, why does sometimes it resonates and sometimes it doesn't? Because sometimes the universe needs you to know something and other times it's just a reading that may or may not pertain to you. And my personal opinion? If you feel strongly about and the universe has communicated strongly to you through tarot cards, then learn to do your own readings. Readings you receive via a card reader include their own biases, beliefs, and how the universe talks to them. You don't want that middle man mucking up the energy.

So, it's time to learn how the universe communicates with you. It will be in an entirely different way than it speaks to me or anyone else. It's fun learning the ways that fit with who you are. It's like you and the universe have your own private little language.

Sometimes the loudest ones - especially at the beginning - will be warnings. Heed them. Learn them. And those loud ones will get quieter. And as the universe knows you're listening, it will send you hope and joy and tweaks and hints of what to do.

Enjoy learning the language of the universe.


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