Summer of Change #16: Get to know intuition

For me this was the hardest part. I didn't trust myself. After years of being told my decisions were always wrong, I believed that about myself.

And I kept saying "I don't know if this is intuition or just my brain spewing off whatever..."

Of course, I realized after a certain amount of time that I was writing myself another self-fulfilling prophecy. "I don't understand intuition" so of course, "I didn't understand intuition."

And then one day, I came across a unique point of view. It said there are two ways to deal with intuition in trying to learn and trust it. The first was to meditate about the idea and ask for a strong lead. And believe me, if you do that, the universe/god/I AM/all that is'ness will give you a definitive lead. The second is to follow the feeling you got. It may turn out to just be a strand, a message you were meant to follow for another reason. Or it may lead you to exactly what you were looking for.

Each person has a different way they feel intuition. Some it may be through words. "Turn left!". Others may feel something in their body. A twinge in their left foot when something is correct, a small headache if they are on the wrong path. Some people may have spiders pay them a visit every time they take the wrong path. (Welcome to my life. I used to hate spiders and now I adore them. They let me know in no uncertain terms if I am on the right path or not. If I am? They aren't anywhere. If I'm not? They appear. I've come to trust them so much that when I see one, I look for where I made the wrong turn, make the switch and thank them. Poof! They're gone.)

So find out what your intuition feels/sounds like. Practice with it. Embrace it. And most of all, once you think you know? Trust it.

The voice is usually pretty quiet. It might be in a book you're reading or a song you've heard. If you are honestly trying to listen, it will find a way to communicate.

Of course, if you are honestly trying to ignore it, it will stop communicating. But then, the things it was trying to tell you tend to get stuck in energy centers in the body. If you don't listen to the body, what happens? Disease, anger, pain...all manner of things you don't want to deal with.

Find your intuition and listen to it.

"Prayer and visualization is talking to the great unknown. Intuition is the great unknown talking back."
