Choose to Change - #positive

Things do not change, we change.
                                   ~ Henry David Thoreau

The hardest thing for human beings is change. We fear it, want it and put so many road blocks in front of ourselves, many times we do not achieve it.

But guess what? Fear doesn't have to win.

Choose to change! You won't change overnight, so don't expect yourself to. Tiny steps, baby steps and next thing you know you will be further along than you expected to be.

One helpful hint I learned a few years ago was to create a list every day that reminded myself of where I was going. It is called a 10-10 list. Every day write 10 things you are grateful for now (NOT what you wished you could be grateful for)  and 10 things you wish to achieve in the present tense as if you had already achieved it. Start - at first you might find yourself writing the same ten things to be grateful for over and over, but in no time, you will start noticing even more!

There is no time like the present. Choose to change now. And let the beauty unfold.


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