Be Grateful - #positive

Yep, I can hear you now... what if I have nothing to be grateful for?

I used to think that. Then I found a little miracle called the 10-10 list. What is the 10-10 list? Every day you write down 10 things you are grateful for and ten goals.

At first it is difficult to come up with 10 things if you are down in the dumps and for awhile you may find yourself writing the same 10 things every day. But guess what? At some point, you will look back and go WOW! How did I change so fast?

Years ago when I started, I was a negative person. I would say I was about 98% negativity and 2% neutral. Yes, it was that bad. I did the 10-10 list and guess what? 30 days later I was positive - ACTUALLY positive 70% of the time. THe other 30^ was split between neutral and negative. 

If you don't think that isn't a huge shift... The world was different. I was different. And it all goes down to gratitude! Whenever I start getting into the dumps too much, I remember that and start my 10-10 lists again. 

So look - there is always something to be grateful for... even if it is the fact you still have toothpaste... hey, it's a place to start:)


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