Focus - #positive

Ever find yourself losing sight of your goal?

Just two days ago you felt you had it. But today? You can't quite remember everything about it. One of the problems is that before we put out goal out to the universe to be fulfilled, we haven't experienced it yet. 

So how do we experience it without actually experiencing it? 


There is a reason people put up images of their end result - so they can SEE IT and constantly be REMINDED of it. The human brain is an interesting mechanism. It does not know if something is real or imagined. Quite frankly, it doesn't care. 

So, if you can convince your brain that said goal is real, that it has happened and that it is right in front of  you, it is quite happy to believe, relax, and send out the right vibration into the universe. 

So, focus, get a picture of your end results - Photoshop it, go to the car dealer and have a pic taken of you in your dream vehicle. Take a picture of your head and paste it over the body of someone vacationing in your dream destination. 

Be creative, have fun with it. Then every day, for just a few minutes, look at the image and feel yourself there. 

You can do it. I know you can.

Look at this strawberry. Can you smell it? Taste it? Feel every tiny dent in its surface? Anticipate that sweet flavor dripping down your chin from the first bite?

Good. Now do the same with your goal. 


  1. How refreshing to read about goals.
    There is so much focus on spankings and not about reaching goals. I made a list of the goals I wanted to achieve with the help of my HoH. He spanks me when I get off track and keeps me focused on the things that matter.
    You have a great blog. Looking forward to reading more.
    Jack's Jill

    1. Hi Jill:)

      So glad you are enjoying This Thought Counts. I started it four or five years ago to plot my progression with the law of attraction and it has morphed into a way for me to try and help others as well as a constant way of reminding myself what track I am on:)

      I am glad your HoH helps you stay on track. It isn't an easy thing to do sometimes, is it? LOL

      Thanks for reading and leaving a comment. I hope you find stuff that helps:)



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