Find Your Peace - #positive

Find Your Peace

Everyone has it - that place, person, or thing that brings them back to peace. My mother likes to go walk in nature. I find that depending on the stress level, meditation, Reiki, or writing brings me back to that place. 

You know the place I am talking about. The one where you can think again, where the stress or negative attitudes of others no longer reaches us.

You have it... you might not recognize it because usually it is very simple.

So go. Find your peace. Where it may be.


  1. Years ago my husband and I lived on acreage in the woods. Sitting on my front porch staring at the trees always brought me peace. Then we moved to the ocean, and walking on the beach collecting beach stones brought me peace. Nature tends to do it, I guess.

    1. Well, there is definitely something to be said for the calm energy that nature is endowed with. Humans are rarely that calm, constant in our chaos. Energy is a great way to re-energize.


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