2 Days until the Summer of Change starts

2 days until the Summer of Change starts. On April 30th, I will post what the Summer of Change is all about, what you can expect, and hopefully kick it off with a bang. Then every five days from May 1 through the end of August, you will receive a new lesson along with 7 extras dotted throughout the summer.

Every lesson is simple, free, and from me to you. There is no sign up, no cost, nothing except lessons that I hope will help you make the this the summer you change your life in an amazing way.

Do the lessons that resonate within you. If some lessons don't pull you, pass them by for now. You can always come back and review them later.

Join our Facebook group to talk with and get to know your fellow Summer of Change participants. Follow the blog to be reminded of when new lessons are posted. And most of all? Have fun! This is meant to be an enjoyable way for you to change your life.

May Summer 2014 be your best summer yet.
