Why constantly reading the Gurus and hanging out with 'make it' people can actually be a detriment

Okay, I'm going to say something shocking.

Hanging out with all the people who are sharing fantastic stories of how people brought to them their fondest dreams might be sabotaging your goals.

Now, before you scream and run off into the night, let me explain why.

I am part of a few groups on Facebook and elsewhere that I will admit I don't attend very often. Why? Because the energy is good, BUT, people tend to post 1 of 2 things - total disbelief, or stories wherein a person had never heard of this before, put one hint to work, and BAM! Days or less than a month later, they've got their million dollars or their spouse, or their house.

Now, at first when you are trying to learn, that's exciting stuff! And don't get me wrong - that's GOOD! You should hear how people used these teachings to make the lives they've always dreamed of.

BUT, if you've been working on a dream for weeks, months, years, decades...and you are doing everything right and it hasn't come yet and you keep hearing "you just have to know and no matter what it will come to you" and yet every story you read has their dreams coming true within days or weeks of when they even start. Well, it gets to the point where you want to throw your hands up and say "Somebody doesn't like me up there."

And it's depressing and demoralizing. You feel like you've been duped or that there is something so bad about you that the divine won't give you what you want. It will just tease you and then laugh when you crash and burn.

See how this can be a bad thing? I think hanging out in these groups is good at first. Get the energy going, let it flow, but if you start feeling worse rather than better when you see another 'instant manifestation' maybe it's time to stop hanging out there. Maybe it's time to work on your own for awhile.

I will admit - I doubt. I'm human. I can't help it. I have three goals I have had for decades. DECADES. I actually feel they are closer now than ever before and I know they are on their way. But that doesn't mean I don't doubt from time to time. That I don't want to throw my hands up and scream. Last night I was laughing to myself. See, like I said, I've had these dreams forever, and each time I hoped they would come true, they didn't and left me demoralized, depressed and a couple times quite suicidal.

My laughter stemmed from a comment I made to myself. "Well, at least this time I'm happy."

And that's the difference between other times and now. The other times I didn't truly understand about knowing and seeding that dream into the divine and what the divine actually was. So those times all I could do was freak out, get depressed as 'said date' approached and nothing came to pass. This time, I know if it doesn't show up in the physical today that it still will, but that doesn't mean that I don't have mornings like today where I'm sad. Like I said, I'm human.

I've been working on this for so long - I didn't get the lessons I needed until 7 months ago and have fine-tuned them ever since - but it still isn't easy. So when I read another story about how someone had never tried 'this' and took the lessons, applied one of them, and WHAM! within a month they had met their husband, came into money, got their home...it's a downer.

So once you have the lessons, once you feel you are on the right path? Stop reading the stories. STOP! Desist! If they start making you doubt and feel bad about your situation, walk away.

You needed the hope they gave you to start, but now they are no longer hope, they are the exact opposite. So walk away, meditate, get into your sleepy state, affirm, or whatever works for you. Know your particular dream/goal is coming, and just be happy.
