Don't stare at the sun...
This morning I was at the gym reading a book on Astrology for Writers - basically how to do story and character creation using astrology archetypes as your guide. Just before I left, something hit me and it took a few minutes to percolate before I realized what was tugging at my brain. So I had to create an image to encapsulate it. Essentially, everyone tells us "Don't look at the sun or you'll go blind." But there are more ways to go blind than just by physical sight. To go spiritually blind or blind to one's own good nature is far worse in my opinion. So if you take the Sun as the hero aspect - intrinsically good, strong, heroic, always on the side of right, etc, and you stare at such an individual constantly, you'll always focus and intensify certain parts of who they are: Wow, look at how built he is. She's so smart. He can do anything. She won the local marathon. Those kinds of thoughts are made up by our egos. And we start to compare th...