Day 27 of #40days of meditation

So much has changed since I started my #40days of meditation. Not only have I felt more peace, I've also found things within that I needed to get rid of, old patterns or blocks that needed to be routed. But I've also begun to meet and have discourse with my angels. I'll admit, I'm still in so much awe of the love in the space when I talk to them that most everything drops out of my head when I do and I forget anything I mean to ask.

But not always. For instance, I asked for an angel who could help me with a problem I'm having and a new one I hadn't met yet came forth and is now helping me.

Of course, that brings me to where I am now... in search of colored sharpies. See, I've been putting off something for weeks because I have major resistance to it. (Those fiction authors among you will know what I'm talking about when I mention the words: Full Manuscript Rewrite.) And today I asked my angels to help me change my attitude and thought patterns on producing a Rewrite. And I feel I need to get colored sharpies. I know they're around here somewhere...

This is going to be an interesting process.

I'm also still in prep for studying A Course in Miracles with my friend Susan. And am still reading A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson, which is an intense overview of what one learns in the course. There is SO MUCH in that book. It's kind of mind blowing. And I keep spotting the areas where I feel resistance to an idea and marking them so I can ask the divine for help in getting rid of those issues. But what's even better is finding the areas where I go "Yes. That part I get." Which is a wonderful thing. It shows the last 8 years of learning and the last 3 which have been really intense, have really done their jobs.

I'm loving meditation. If I don't do it early, I can tell the difference within and am absolutely hungry at night to get into that state.

I like to do a combination of guided meditations - which really help when I want to relax fast. And music meditations which can send me into a really deep meditative state.

And now back to my search for... Here, sharpie, sharpie, sharpie!


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