Raising the vibration and other nifty tweaks

I don't know about you, but in the past whenever I've heard someone like Neville Goddard say things like "I do not dream of having sex with my wife" - as in when he's working on a goal that isn't one of the things he did (and the one time I heard him say it, well, he sounded disgusted by the concept) - well, I figured he was being a stick in the mud.

As a woman who is proud to say "I enjoy sex and all the accouterments that go along with it" I tended to just go "Fine. You can be a stick in the mud." So in some of my scenes I've imagined with my man, erotic scenes have been a part of them.

But guess what I just learned? The electromagnetic signature put off by the brain in lust mode is earth bound and much, MUCH lower than I want it to be for my dreams to be made real.


Which means when I indulged in erotic dreams about my man, they did not rise high enough to put them in the realm of where I needed to be.

Now, I will admit, they aren't the only dreams I have of him. In fact the main ones aren't sexual at all. But seeing those charts made me go "Ooooh! I get it now."

Now that's not to say that lust or sex is bad. It's not. At all. And when two people are connected physically and psychically it can be mind, body, and possibly reality blowing. But when I'm focused on a dream to be made real, the last thing I want to inject is an Earthbound, present physical reality, emotion.

So next time you dreamspire, keep the lust level to a minimum *grins*

Now, want to gain your dreams faster? Here's a couple nifty tweaks.

Tweak #1:

We talk and hear about the feeling being there while we imagine the dream and I've always figured the dream gets us to that feeling and then it works hand-in-hand with the feeling that emerges from it. While true, if you can get to the feeling BEFORE you imagine your chosen goal/dream, instead of asking for the dream from a now state and then coming to the emotion, you are asking for the dream from the state of it already having happened. You're already the emotion/feeling you want to be, which means in your mental state it's already happened. So when you 'see' it in your minds eye, you are looking at an event that has already transpired.

And the universe goes, okey-dokey, here you go. As long as you can carry that emotion/feeling with you throughout the day. Since you already 'received' your dream, you aren't projecting a feeling of 'want'. Instead you are continually projecting the feeling of "Thank you!"

Tweak #2:

There are only two main emotional states - Love and its opposite - fear. Fear takes the form of all the not-so-positive emotions -hate, doubt, lack... So if you can get into a continual state of Love, you've got life in hand.

Now I'm not talking about human love - not attraction, not romantic love, not mother's love, not father's love, not any kind of humanistic love. (Humanistic love always comes with rules) I'm talking about the pure, raw Love that comes from the universe. I can't describe it because the feeling is impossible to define. It's so much bigger than anything we humans are used to that it's awe-inspiring and, like I said, impossible to describe as anything but Love. It holds no judgment. It doesn't care about what you've done or what you're doing. It's not going to judge you or your actions. It's just Love and it fills you up like nothing you've ever felt before. And quite honestly, once you've felt it, you want to feel it again and again until that's what you want to feel at all times.

And when you're in a state of Love, you are already there. You're at the finish line. You've achieved every good, positive emotion because it's all bound up in Love. So get to that Love state and then imagine your goal. And then let it go. When in Love, all that stuff takes a backseat, it really does. Not because you don't want it, but because you've achieved the ultimate feeling in the universe and it's something you want to be in and bathe in forever.

And with letting go of your dream and bathing in the end emotion - Love - the universe can move smoothly to make it part of your physical reality.

Tweak #3:

Deny. Deny. Deny.

Okay, maybe not three times. But we tend to focus too much on our physical senses. What we see, hear, touch, taste... But the fact is our physical reality - what is in front of us right now, is not real. It's not. It's a mixture of a product of our former thoughts and feelings and the quantum field. But guess what? You can change things now.

What do I mean? I find that this tweak works best on 'new' things that pop up. Things that have been around for awhile are so ingrained into my physical reality I assume it's harder for me to deny them. Which I think is all me - I will get to the point one day of being able to change things at will even if they've been around for awhile and look forward to that day.

Now let me state that this tweak will only work if you are ready for it. If you aren't prepared, if you haven't achieved the level needed for it, it won't work. This isn't a slam at you or me, it's just that there is a certain level of strength of mind and intuition and a level of Love that I think need to be attained first - though I could be wrong :D

So case in point:

A few weeks ago I found an ugly, blackish mole on my stomach. It wasn't a normal mole - I know what those look like. I also know what a melanoma looks like. And that's what it was. My mind scurried to make sense of what I was seeing and I scratched at it. I scratched off some skin, but the mole stayed, though now there was an ugly scratch through it.

And for a brief second I felt fear. But then I sat up and thought "Oh no!" So I took a deep breath, pulled my shirt down and spoke vocally to the universe. I don't remember my exact words, but they were something like this: "I've come too far and have conquered too much for my body to succumb to cancer. I refuse." I said a lot more than that, but after my diatribe was through, I said "And it is done." And then went about my life. That was the day when the water heater was being replaced and there were workmen in and out of the house and it was a mess.

I forgot about the mole. Until later that night when I was getting ready to take a shower for the first time in 3 days (Yay for hot water). I stripped off my clothes and went into the bathroom and that's when I remembered. So I looked down. It looked... different. No longer the same shape or color. More like a purplish/black. I reached down and swiped the pad of my finger over it and it came off. I stared at the round piece of plastic on my finger. And then down at my perfectly white stomach.

I changed my reality. Now, I AM NOT saying if you have cancer to ignore it and just go about your daily life as if it's not there. What I'm saying is that before I could build the mole into more than it was, I used the denial technique to deny its existence. And it worked. I got rid of it BEFORE it could plant itself firmly in my consciousness.

Like I said, I haven't found it works as well with older things. Though I'm trying.

I hope some of these tweaks for you and if they do, please let me know. I'd love to get a group together and test some of the things I've been finding work for me lately and see if they work on others as well.

Have a wonderful week.



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