Day 4
( Originally posted July 23, 2008 Boundless Living Challenge )
I'm tired.
Last night I did not get much sleep due to a sick dog. My mind won't quiet down long enough to get any rest.
I got so frustrated that I stopped doing anything today. I have worked on resistance this afternoon, but it seems that every time I get through one barrier, tons of others enforce themselves. I didn't expect it to be super quick, but I can see why I have never succeeded before. Jeez I have tons of stuff in my sub-conscious.
I am sure that the resistance will be short lived and within a few days I will be back to my vibrant self, but at the moment, it seems interminable.
I started to work on one of my websites this morning and all I felt was frustration and anger.
Sorry for the down post, but I just can't seem to feel "up" at all.
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