( Originally posted July 29, 2008 Boundless Living Challenge )
Hopefully this will make sense to someone else reading this, but I had such a revelation last night. I was listening to the MP3 Attracting Abundance through EFT book and it got to one section (don't remember which one at the moment) and suddenly a thought came into my brain that kind of blew me away.
Brief history:
I have tried to go to college several times in my life. I didn't want to go. I find college boring for the most part, and annoying because of the classes you have to take that I can't stand. A straight-A student in high school, my path has always been toward alternative ways of learning. I received a blessing when I was younger saying I would always learn through alternative paths. My horoscope is always saying I will find different ways to learn all my life.
I think I have tried to go to school about 6 times. The first two, I made it through one semester before I pulled out. The others ~ well I made it through a class:) Even when I didn't actually try to go, I was thinking about it. I have contacted many different colleges in the last few years. Always trying to go after something that I didn't really want. I wanted to change my life and figured college was a good start.
Well, last night has changed that idea ~ LOL
I suddenly had the thought - I can't made more money unless I go to college ~ whoa! So, I tapped on it - I tapped 3 times before I made it go from a 10 to a 2. While doing that, another thought came up. People (and by people I mean the news people, my family, friends, etc) have always told me that if I want to make a decent living, that I needed to get a college degree. And I had obviously internalized it. So, I tapped on that, and will tap on it again today to make sure I got it to a 0.
Its so interesting where these things come from and I am so glad to be getting rid of them.
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