Day 45 - Final post for 1st 45-day challenge

(Originally posted Sept 3, 3008 Boundless Living Challenge)

Well, its Day 45.

45 days ago, I would have thought this would take awhile, but suddenly here it is. This time has sped by so fast - and so much has happened!

It took me a few days to figure out a goal, and without a concrete one to pick, I chose making $1,000/day.

I would have to say that this challenge was split into 3 - 2 week sections for me. I have tried my whole life to have a better one, but it kept avoiding me. When I learned about the Law of Attraction, it made total sense to me. I could see how I had attracted all those bad experiences and all the negativity. How many times had I said "Well, I don't know what I want, but I do know what I don't want." Well, DUH!

In the 1.5 years since I saw What the Bleep Do We Know? and the Secret. Much has happened. I have come so far, and yet struggled to get past a certain point. I could never figure out how to get past it.

This last Spring, I knew I was ready for the next step but could not figure out what that was. I tried Eckhart Tolle's book - but his first chapter kept pushing me into a sleep. After trying to read it 3 times, I realized that his writing style was not for me. So, I went to the bookstore and looked at Esther Hicks books. It didn't take long for me to realize those weren't for me either.

My mother mentioned a name to look up and when the salesperson took me over to that book in the psychology section, I happened to spot Louise Hay's book You Can Heal Your Life. Now, I had seen that book before. I used to work at a bookstore. Thing was, I had never picked it up. I know its because I wasn't ready for it.

I read the whole thing in a couple days and felt so amazing! I started saying my affirmations constantly. About 2 weeks later, I was going through my Spam box in my email account and came across one from "Wealth Beyond Reason". Now, I had been getting emails from Bob Doyle since I had seen the Secret, but with the amount of emails I get a day, I hadn't read one in AGES! For some odd reason that day, I deleted all of the spam emails except that one. When I read about the Boundless Living Challenge, I thought it was a great idea. I figured I could use it to finish my novel. (This was around July 7th.)

By the time the challenge started, July 21st, I was ready to start a different goal. I went back and forth, but couldn't figure it out. After Bob's welcome teleseminar on July 19th, I bookmarked the EFT area. On the 20th, I researched EFT and I cried while I watched the videos about it. Resistance and this whole way of getting rid of it rang so true for me.

I downloaded the EFT manual and on the evening of the 20th walked myself through the tapping sequence on "fear of failure", which I figured was my worst fear. I felt nothing. The only thing that happened while I was tapping, was that my 2nd toe on my right foot kept getting a stabbing pain! I tried several times over the evening, but finally the pain in my toe got to be too intense and I stopped, figuring that EFT wasn't something that was going to work for me.

On July 21st, (and I am not sure why, except I was so ready for change) I realized that I had already downloaded the 2 MP3s about EFT from the BLC site. So, I figured I would give them a listen. I tapped along and thought - ok. Then, either the 2nd or third call was from a guy who was sabotaging himself from making his business thrive because of a fear of success. The MOMENT she started on the karate chop, I lost it. I was crying so hard I could barely hear what they were saying to tap along with it. I could not believe it. I had always thought my problem stemmed from a fear of failure, but it was the fear of success that truly hit at the core of me.

Over the first two weeks of the challenge, I worked hard on my resistance. I did EFT every day - sometimes for an hour or so. I found other ways (thanks to the wonderful people here on the challenge), including the Resistance Worksheet, where I was finally able to forgive my grandmother for everything she did to me. I could see why she was the way she was and finally let it go.

I was working so hard, saying my affirmations, writing my 10-10 list (10 things I was grateful for and 10 things I was attracting daily), and while I still wasn't sure how I was going to bring in $1,000/day, I found myself finishing my novel. I was so excited when it was complete. I sent it into a publisher that had been recommended by one of its authors, and the manuscript was accepted. I was through-the-roof elated. That is - until I researched the company and found out what a fraud it was. So, I turned down their publishing contract and settled into a bit of a depression.

That depression didn't last long, but I struggled with how to get back onto that horse. Then about week 3, I took a break. I needed it. Suddenly, I was feeling so much better, so much more content. Over the next week, I researched other publishers - from vanity pubs to self-publishing. I couldn't make up my mind how I wanted to publish my book, but I knew I wanted to keep this contentment going. I felt so good, so content, and yet at the time, so incredibly positive and joyful.

These last two weeks have gone by really fast. I decided to market and sell my novel as an e-book for now. Its a lot less hassle and while I know its harder to sell this way, I feel good about it. So, I set up my page and my list and I knew that for people to purchase a book from an unknown author usually takes a review or some knowledge of the author's writing style. So, I decided to give away the first chapter for free! This way, people can see if they like how I write before they buy. (Speaking of which, if you are interested, you can get it from My Website.)

That went live this last weekend. Its so nice to have it up and available. I am slowly posting places, starting to get myself and my writing known. I still need to actually create an author page, but that won't be for a few days. I threw out my lower back and can't do much at the moment. Its killing me to sit and write this - LOL.

I now feel so amazing. These last 45 days - I don't even know how to explain it. My life is not what it was. I was ready for change - and MAN, I got it! I am not the person I was 45 days ago. I have learned so much about how I relate to the universe and how to actually attract what I want and need. I know what I want and why I want it. I understand a lot more how my mind works. I use EFT whenever any kind of emotion comes up, negative or positive. Love nullifying the bad and increasing the good!

My emotional LIfe Timeline:
Ages 7-28: 99% negative, 1% neutrel
Ages 29-38 (was doing daily affirmations, didn't know about LOA): 50% positive, 30 % neutral, 20% negative
Ages 39-40 (pre-challenge, after learning about LOA): 70% positive, 25% neutral, 5% negative
NOW (after the last 45 days): 97% positive, 3% neutral, negative is so minimal - so fleeting it can't be measured.

Now, is that change or WHAT! Have I made my original goal of making $1,000/day? no - but what I did get was so much better, there is no comparison. All I can say to Bob is: Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You

I have decided not to let this just sit. I am starting a new 45-day challenge on Sept 5th. I figure I will use the umph I have received from this challenge and carry it over into the next one.

Where will I be in 45 days????? I can't wait to find out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Join ME!


  1. Wow - I don't know the challenge you are talking about. Beyond Living Challenge - I tried to log on but I need an invitation. Can you send me one?

    You sound wonderful! Thank you for sending me your blog link.




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